Stonewall Riots

2023 | 18” x 24” | Oil on Canvas

The Stonewall Riots were a pivotal point in the fight for LGBT equality. They were long and violent, but they were the catalyst for many discussions about LGBT rights and ultimately is a major contributor to how many rights we have today. 

My print is of a brick with the words, "THE FIGHT FOR EQULITY STARTED WITH A BRICK" carved into to side. The sentence pays homage to the fact that in this case, violence was the only answer. LGBT people were repeatedly being berated and arrested for their sexuality and identity. The passionate outburst from the LGBT community during the riots changed our history forever. This was the time that LGBT people were able to fight back against our oppressors. 

On the top of the brick is the day that The Stonewall Riots started, marking the beginning of a long, ongoing fight for equality. The beginning of the Stonewall Riots is often referred to as the first pride parade, which is why the day the riots started, June 28th, 1969, has been the date of pride parades throughout the states for years after. We celebrate these riots every year to thank our ancestors who were able to fight for the rights of future LGBT generations. 

We should not forget our past and the fight that got us here.